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作(Zuo)者:admin    發布時間:2020-07-18 19:09     浏覽[Lan]次數[Shu] :

氣動襯氟蝶閥,屬于對(Dui)夾/法蘭式襯氟蝶閥系列[Lie];它由氣動執(Zhi) 行機構和襯氟(Fu)蝶閥組成,閥體部分可與[Yu]氣動、電動執行機構(Gou)選配 組合,組成(Cheng)各種不同類型的蝶閥品種規格。該産品按其[Qi]襯裡材[Cai]質 分為(Wei)全襯(Chen)氟蝶閥和(He)半襯氟蝶閥[Fa]。全[Quan]襯氟蝶閥(Fa)由于襯氟蝶(Die)閥閥體(Ti)内 腔均有抗腐蝕[Shi]的氟塑料(PTFE/FEP/PFA) 制成襯裡[Li], 同時對(Dui)蝶闆 和閥杆裡進行包襯氟塑[Su]料,并在閥基面[Mian]内(Nei)設有矽橡膠襯墊,用來調 節閥座[Zuo]基面預緊,以達到[Dao]與蝶闆[Pan]密封性能。閥體采用分離式,閥軸 兩端的密(Mi)封[Feng]由蝶闆與閥座之間的旋轉基[Ji]面靠(Kao)氟橡膠圈來控制,從 而使閥軸不與[Yu]腔内(Nei)介質接觸,保證了密封無洩漏[Lou]。

Pneumatic actuator control butterfly valve is YFM patent product, which belong to D671waferandD 641 flange type lined butterfly valve series, consist of pneumatic actuator and lined butterfly valve. These valves are divided into fully lined butterfly valve and half lined butterfly valve according to different lining ways.Fully lined butterfly refers to the PTFE/PFA/FEP seat and disc lined with PTFE/PFA/FEP. There is silicon pad to adjust pre-tighten for keeping the best sealing. valve body is split.The sealing of axis end is controlled by Viton which locate between disc and seat, so that the axis is out of touch medium to ensure the sealing without any leakage.

